Acrylic on deep boxed canvas. Varnished.
100 X 100 cm
Inspired by a powerful philosophy.
Life can get kind of heavy, although we can dramatically lighten the load by learning to change our perspective on how we look at things. For example, if we learned to start paying attention to the beauty and the wonder that surrounds us on a daily level -then our current state of contentment and happiness vastly improves. For example, if we focused solely on something as seemingly small and insignificant as a beautiful feather - Then the way that we learn to see the whole world can dramatically change.
This piece of art reiterates the fact that sometimes the problems we experience are within our own heads. And therefore it’s up to us to learn to change our own perspectives on how we see things.
And that it’s up to us to learn to change our own perspectives on how we see things.
Life isn’t about what happens to us, it’s about how we choose to react to those things. A key philosophy that I have learnt is the fact that we are as happy as we make our minds up to be. Irrespective of our environment, circumstances or our misfortunes, we are as happy as we make our minds up to be. There is great power within this concept. This painting illustrates this whole philosophy - The figure in the painting sits contently on a swing beneath a feather on a wide open landscape.